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The Full Story

What's all the buzz about?

We are aiming to change that way that people think about farming. We want to encourage the farmers of the future to support native species & ensure our diverse ecosystem continues to thrive indefinitely. Read below for further clarification about how we plan to approach this. Our 'how' might change a few times as we workshop solutions but our mission & vision to protect, preserve & champion Native Bees will remain the same.


We envisage an Australian in which Native Bees are not at risk of extinction, are used in partnership with European Honey Bees for crop pollination & the status of bee populations is regularly measured.    

Beekeeper Holding a Honeycomb
Wheat Field


Our mission is to rescue Native Australian Bees from the brink of extinction, bolstering their populations, better utilising their pollination abilities, and diversifying their locations to future proof Australia against natural disasters, and biosecurity risks.


To do this, we need to establish a standardised means of counting bees. It may surprise you to know that no large-scale study has even been done on bee populations in Australia - we don't know how many we started with, let alone how many we've lost.


By uniting existing efforts to save the bees under a standardised measure of progress and sharing this information with the research community & general public. 

By increasing food sources specific to native bees so that they are not actively competing with EHB for sustenance. 

By utilising population data and breeders feedback to promote the use of Native Bees in commercial pollination services. 

Rooftop Garden

Value Proposition

Buzz Certified makes Saving the Bees simple and effective by providing a low cost, low involvement way to preserve threatened species, promoting native beekeepers to consumers and providing a standardized means to measure and promote progress.

Bigger Picture

Australia is a signatory to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They address global challenges and are aimed at protecting the planet and all beings that reside upon it. Through Buzz Certified we hope to contribute to the achievement of the below SDGs:

Trees From Above
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