Our Research Progress
We are in a deep discovery phase right now. We don't know exactly what we don't know so we are talking to as many beekeepers, enthusiasts & industry experts as we can.
We are using this page to document our assumptions & current big questions to help guide our conversations. If you can help us solve/de-mystify any of the below - please get in touch.
The Big Questions
These are the ones keeping us awake at night. We have trawled google & quizzed AI but as yet not gotten sufficient evidence that we can consider the question answered. Got an opinion or knowledge to share? Let's talk....yesterday.
Our Assumptions
1 / Native Bees are threatened and/or endangered
Proof: The research conducted by Flinders University referenced in this article.
2 / Native Bees contribute to pollination in Aus
Proof: Small but established Tetragonula Carbonaria Native Stingless Bee population used in QLD and NSW as referenced in this article.
3 / Native Bees are a viable alternative to European Honeybees
Justification: Blue Banded Native Bees can perform buzz poliination & European Honeybees cannot. Buzz pollination is sought after (main perk of Bumblebees). More details here.
5 / Assumptions we need to address:
We need bees to pollinate crops & produce food (without them we would not be able to produce certain foods)
Native Bees can feasibly replace European Honey Bees
Native Bee populations should be increased
It would make sense to breed Native Bees alongside European Honey Bees
Consumers aren't aware of the distinction between Native Bees and European Honey Bees
Feral Bees threaten the continued existence of Native Bees
The Varroa Mite could wipe out European Honey Bees in Australia
Continued use of pesticide in farming is a contributing cause to Bee population decline
Improving hive health would be more effective at increasing hive numbers than adding more breeders
Improving availability of pollen for bees would be more effective at increasing hive numbers than adding more breeders
Impact Map - How will our actions make change?
What are we reading right now?
Right now, it's all about the bees - the world's smallest farmers. Know a good read? Let us know so we can add it to the list.