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Piece of Honeycomb

Our Research Progress

We are in a deep discovery phase right now. We don't know exactly what we don't know so we are talking to as many beekeepers, enthusiasts & industry experts as we can.


We are using this page to document our assumptions & current big questions to help guide our conversations. If you can help us solve/de-mystify any of the below - please get in touch.

The Big Questions

These are the ones keeping us awake at night. We have trawled google & quizzed AI but as yet not gotten sufficient evidence that we can consider the question answered. Got an opinion or knowledge to share? Let's talk....yesterday.

Country Field

Our Assumptions

1 / Native Bees are threatened and/or endangered

  • Proof: The research conducted by Flinders University referenced in this article.

2 / Native Bees contribute to pollination in Aus
  • Proof: Small but established Tetragonula Carbonaria Native Stingless Bee population used in QLD and NSW as referenced in this article.

3 / Native Bees are a viable alternative to European Honeybees
  • Justification: Blue Banded Native Bees can perform buzz poliination & European Honeybees cannot. Buzz pollination is sought after (main perk of Bumblebees). More details here.

4 / Native Bees are not affected by the Varroa Mite
  • Weak evidence: theory exists that the Varroa Mite cannot attack Native Bees because their biology is different. Article one and two

5 / Assumptions we need to address:
  • We need bees to pollinate crops & produce food (without them we would not be able to produce certain foods)

  • Native Bees can feasibly replace European Honey Bees

  • Native Bee populations should be increased

  • It would make sense to breed Native Bees alongside European Honey Bees

  • Consumers aren't aware of the distinction between Native Bees and European Honey Bees

  • Feral Bees threaten the continued existence of Native Bees

  • The Varroa Mite could wipe out European Honey Bees in Australia

  • Continued use of pesticide in farming is a contributing cause to Bee population decline

  • Improving hive health would be more effective at increasing hive numbers than adding more breeders

  • Improving availability of pollen for bees would be more effective at increasing hive numbers than adding more breeders

Honeycomb Closeup

Impact Map - How will our actions make change?

Impact Map July

What are we reading right now?

Right now, it's all about the bees - the world's smallest farmers. Know a good read? Let us know so we can add it to the list.

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